best Crypto jobs that pay in USDT

Did you know that cryptocurrency job postings have increased over 300% in the last 3 years? As digital currencies like Bitcoin continue to go mainstream, the demand for talented professionals in the crypto space is skyrocketing. 

In this article, Ill share with you top crypto jobs that pay in USDT so you could start earning huge with the Web 3 skillsets you’ve got. These are high in-demand skills you need.

The image below shows how much Phantom was willing to for a social media associate intern.

Crypto jobs that pay in USDT
Photo credit: Twitter User

One cryptocurrency that has become extremely popular is Tether (USDT), a stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar to minimize volatility risks. USDT plays a vital role as it allows traders to easily enter and exit cryptocurrency positions without having to constantly convert back to fiat currencies.

An increasing number of remote companies and freelancers are also taking advantage of stablecoins like USDC for their borderless payment capabilities and potential for appreciation against the U.S. dollar. Getting paid in crypto has never been easier or more appealing.

In this guide, we’ll explore some of the top remote jobs and freelance gigs that pay workers in Tether (USDT) and other stablecoins. Whether technical or non-technical, there are exciting opportunities to earn crypto.

Just read to the end to get started if you want to build a career in crypto.

Why Get Paid in USDT? 

There are several compelling reasons why you may want to consider getting paid in the stablecoin Tether (USDT) instead of traditional fiat currencies like US dollars, Naira or euros. 

Photo credit: Twitter User

First off, USDT allows for basically instantaneous and extremely cheap international transactions. With traditional bank transfers, it can take several days and include hefty fees to receive payments from employers or clients across borders. USDT transactions are fast, global, and low-cost.

Tip: With Blockchain like BSC, your transaction fees are lower , usually in cents. 

Secondly, while USDT is pegged to the US dollar to prevent volatility, it still has the potential to appreciate in value relative to the US dollar over time. Many are bullish on stablecoins and the crypto ecosystem long-term.

USDT can also serve as a hedge against inflation for the US dollar. While $1 USDT will always trade close to $1 US dollar, the purchasing power of that 1USDT could increase if the US dollar itself becomes inflated and less valuable.

Finally, for those passionate about cryptocurrency, getting paid in USDT is a way to align your personal goals with receiving income in the form of digital assets. It empowers you to be more invested in the crypto world.

Web 3 Remote Jobs that pay in USDT
Photo credit: Twitter User

Top 12 Crypto Jobs that Pay in USDT 

Here are top 12 crypto jobs that pay in USDT or crypto, the required skills, the amount you’re likely to earn, platforms where the jobs skills are applied. 

1. Blockchain Developer 

Blockchain developer develops decentralized applications and smart contracts on blockchain platforms

  • Required Skills: Proficiency in languages like Solidity, Rust, C++, JavaScript. 
  • Earning Potential: $80,000 – $150,000+ annually. 
  • Relevant Platforms: Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain.

2. Crypto Trader

A crypto trader analyzes crypto markets and executes trades to generate profits, the analysis could be technical or fundamental analysis. 

  • Required Skills: Technical and fundamental analysis, risk management.
  • Earning Potential: Highly variable based on capital, skills, and strategies. 
  • Relevant Platforms: Coinbase, Binance, Kraken.

3. Crypto YouTuber/Influencer

A crypto YouTuber/influencer creates educational or analysis content about cryptocurrencies. One of the best crypto YouTube creators or influencers I have followed for years is Guy of Coin Bureau. 

  • Required Skills: On-camera personality, editing, crypto knowledge.
  • Earning Potential: $25,000 – $100,000+ based on following. 
  • Relevant Platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Twitter. 

4. Blockchain Freelancer

A blockchain freelancer provides freelance services like smart contract audits or dApp development. 

  • Required Skills: The required skills vary based on services offered and technical blockchain skills. 
  • Earning Potential: $25 – $100+ per hour. 
  • Relevant Platforms: Upwork, Fiverr,

5. Crypto Exchange Customer Support 

Someone hired by any exchange to offer this assists exchange users with inquiries, issues, and transactions. 

  • Required Skills: Crypto knowledge, customer service experience
  • Earning Potential: $35,000 – $55,000 annually.
  • Relevant Companies: Coinbase, Kraken, Binance

6. Play-to-Earn Gamer

Once you compete in blockchain gaming tournaments for crypto prizes, you’ll earn rewards paid in USDT. 

  • Required Skills: Skilled gameplay, understanding of play-to-earn models. 
  • Earning Potential: Highly variable based on skills and game.
  • Relevant Games: Axie Infinity, Crypto Royale, Decentraland. 

7. Blockchain Project Manager

Becoming a blockchain project manager entails overseeing development of blockchain projects and dApps. 

  • Required Skills: Project management, blockchain fundamentals.
  • Earning Potential: $90,000 – $150,000+ annually.
  • Relevant Companies: Major crypto companies like Coinbase

8. Crypto Marketing Specialist

This requires you develop marketing campaigns for crypto companies/projects.

  • Required Skills: Marketing, content creation, crypto knowledge.
  • Earning Potential: $60,000 – $100,000+ annually.
  • Relevant Companies: Blockchain startups, exchanges, wallet providers. 

9. Crypto Social Media Manager

When you secure this type of job, you need to manage social media presence for crypto brands. 

  • Required Skills: Social media marketing, crypto knowledge.
  • Earning Potential: $45,000 – $75,000 annually.
  • Relevant Companies: Crypto projects, influencers, crypto news outlets. 

10. Crypto Consultant

A crypto consultant advises companies on blockchain strategy and implementation. 

  • Required Skills: Extensive blockchain/crypto expertise, consulting skills. 
  • Earning Potential: $100 – $300+ per hour for independent consultants.
  • Relevant Companies: Any company exploring blockchain solutions. 

11. Crypto Community Manager

Your job is to build and manage online communities around crypto projects. 

Required Skills: Community management, social media skills, crypto knowledge. 

Earning Potential: $45,000 – $80,000+ annually

Relevant Platforms/Companies: Crypto startups, DeFi projects, NFT projects

A crypto community manager is responsible for cultivating and engaging online communities of users, fans, and stakeholders around cryptocurrency and blockchain projects. This involves building vibrant communities on platforms like Discord, Telegram, Reddit, and Twitter.

Their key responsibilities include moderating discussions, responding to user questions, sharing updates and announcements, gathering user feedback, organizing events and contests, and serving as the voice of the project to the community.

Strong community management skills combined with solid blockchain and cryptocurrency knowledge are essential. Experience with social media management, customer service, and online community building is very valuable.

12. Web 3 UI/UX Designer

A Web 3 UI/UX Designer specializes in creating user interfaces and user experiences for decentralized applications (dApps) built on blockchain networks. As Web 3.0 and dApps go mainstream, the demand for designers well-versed in this space is rapidly growing. Designs user interfaces and experiences for decentralized apps (dApps)

  • Required Skills: UI/UX design, front-end dev (React etc.), proficiency with design tools like Figma, Adobe XD, Web3 knowledge like understanding of blockchain fundamentals, wallets, dApp architecture, and Web3 libraries. 
  • Earning Potential: $80,000 – $130,000+ annually. 
  • Relevant Companies: Blockchain startups, Web3 projects . 

You would have the responsibility of  creating wireframes, dApp layouts, designing intuitive UI/UX flows, ensuring accessibility, and translating product requirements into pixel-perfect user interfaces. 

What you need to do is to stay up-to-date on Web 3.0 design patterns and best practices is essential.

Note: These earnings are estimated based on what companies pay as the time of writing this article, the earning can change at any given time.

How to Find USDT-Paying Jobs

If you’re looking to get paid in the stablecoin Tether (USDT), there are a number of specific job boards and platforms that cater to the cryptocurrency and blockchain space.

Some of them include:

  • Cryptocurrency Job Lists are dedicated crypto job boards where you can find roles ranging from blockchain developers to crypto traders to marketing positions, many of which offer USDT as a payment option.

Read also: Discover Top Online Jobs that Pay in USDT This 2024

These freelance platforms like Latium have a strong presence of USDT-paying gig opportunities for freelancers with blockchain skillsets like smart contract development, crypto content creation etc.

Other freelance platforms like Upwork ,, Fiverr offer crypto gigs for freelancers but don’t pay in USDT or crypto as at the time of writing this article.

Outside of dedicated job boards, many individual crypto companies, projects and startups hire for roles paid in USDT. Checking their websites and communities is recommended.

The LaborX platform, built on the blockchain itself, is also a place to find USDT job opportunities.

Additionally, networking within crypto community can open doors. Participate in online forums like Reddit’s /r/CryptoJobs, attend blockchain conferences, join Telegram groups, and let people know you’re seeking USDT opportunities. Connections go a long way in this space.


As this article has outlined, there is an exciting series of job opportunities available for those looking to get paid in the stablecoin USDT. From blockchain developers to crypto content creators to Web3 designers, skilled professionals can earn USDT and reap the benefits of seamless global payments and potential appreciation.

Working in the crypto and blockchain space allows you to align your career with this financial technology innovation. Why not explore the resources listed here like crypto job boards, freelance platforms, and online communities and start your journey towards landing that dream USDT-paying role?

The future of finance is programmable, and now is the time to get involved.

What crypto skills do you have or willing to learn? Drop your comments.

Join our community of crypto enthusiasts on Facebook and Telegram to learn more about earning crypto income.

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